Zoom Nathalie Lete Postcard ( Paris Bonheur )
Zoom Nathalie Lete Postcard ( Paris Bonheur )
Zoom Nathalie Lete Postcard ( Paris Bonheur )

Nathalie Lete Postcard ( Paris Bonheur )

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printed in France

size: about 15 x 10.5 cm

Nathalie Lete
Nathalie lete was born in 1964. She lives and works in Paris.
She works in many ways, mixing different techniques and mediums, illustration, ceramics, textile and painting… She is inspired by her travels, but also by the mixing of vintage toys and old engravings of flowers and animals.
Her work is colourful, naive and poetic, sometimes strange, to the point of tending towards art brut. Her world is nurtured by popular and folk art. She produces children’s and graphic’s books, knitted and stuffed toys, glass pictures, patterned dishes, but also postcards,ceramic sculptures, silkscreen printed t-shirts, rugs and jewels in limited edition… both for herself and for commissions.

Nathalie Lété
Nathalie Lété est née en 1964 à Paris. Son travail mixe différentes techniques et médiums et s’inspire de ses voyages, de jouets anciens et de gravures d’animaux et de fleurs vintages. Elle raconte avec une fausse naïveté, un humour et une fraîcheur qui peuvent aussi être cinglants, un univers tiré de l’art populaire. Très coloré son travail polyvalent (lithographie, céramique, textile, illustration…) reflète son attachement au monde de l’enfance.



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Nathalie Lete

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Ship from Paris | パリよりお届け

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(Livraison offerte dès 50€ en France)

Your order will be shipped by La Poste (French post), you will receive a shipping confirmation with your tracking number. More info

日本全国へパリよりヤマト国際便でお送りするので安心。発送後に追跡番号をお知らせします。 更に読む

About prices | 商品価格について

Fr Nos prix en boutique n'incluent pas la TVA, pour les clients internationaux. Elle sera ajoutée si vous commandez depuis la France.
En The payment at the checking out will be in Euros.
Our prices at the shop are not included VAT tax. (excise duty in France) More info

Jp ご精算はユーロ(€)になりすが、日本円表示もご覧いただけます。

Exchanges and Returns | 返品・キャンセル

The order can be returned or exchanged only if it's not used. Please contact us within 10 days after you received. (vintage products are not returnable)

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